Gathering May 2024

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Intricate Flow


Wiremu Woodard

an evening of story, reverie, and reflection


Wiremu Woodard (Ngāi Tūhoe) will share insight into nested contexts and levels of ‘being and becoming’, particularly in relation to wellbeing.

His narrative is deeply evocative, enlivening, and challenging.

After his reading, there will be opportunity for us to ‘sit together’ – a fireside chat – sharing impressions and wonderings.

Wiremu Woodard

Wiremu Woodard

Wiremu is an Indigenous therapist, father of four, activist, environmentalist, sometimes contemporary dancer and artist. Wiremu is committed to reducing health disparities for Māori and promoting social justice. He currently works in community practice at KERERU and teaches Psychotherapy & Counselling programmes at Auckland University of Technology. Wiremu is a founding member of Waka Oranga – a group of dynamic Indigenous Māori practitioners committed to emancipatory freedom.


Registrations are welcome from PAnzA members.



  • PAnzA members – FREE



The workshop will not be recorded.



  • Online – by Zoom


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